Friday, May 11, 2007

Last Night @ heLl

It might be a pretty outdated topic by now... but it certainly deserves some place on this blog... and since it was such a memorable one, i wont have much trouble writing about my last night in L

After dispatching my stuff home and seeing off my parents, the last few hours were filled with nostalgia. i can probably divide the period into five memorable events...

there was this walk arouond the campus and a long chat on the bench behind the library with a new found friend in those last few days at L. it was new and was different cos i always heard of others having those memories but me never getting one. It helped me improve my understanding bout others, know things tht i previously didnt and recollect some of the sweet memories at L.

this was followed by a long chat at the "crossroads" (as named by someone) near the mess with one of my closest pals at L, the ending of which gave me pangs of pain bout what i am gonna miss after the next few hours.

then there was the OIG send off party in nitya's room which was the most memorable one. it involveed loads of fun, a senti speech and of course a beautiful cake... that ended up on our faces...saying goodbye to these 'kids' was one thing i wished that never had to happen... and of course there was that strong desire again wishing that i was in pgp22. and also the goodbye i said in room 509 is being cherished even now.

this followed with a walk again around the campus this time with my wingies benkoot, diw, skg and sumit. how much i wished tht this walk never got over. but alas it had to.

then there was all that time i spent saying good bye to my abode for 2 years remembering all those precious moments i spent in tht room. it was an awesome night out.

seeing the dawn was not new to me... but this dawn was surely different.... it brought along the news that i would never see such a dawn again... i would never have a hostel life with all the fun loving friends ever again... there would never be another such beautiful campus and neither would there be all those full volume music waale night outs... no more insti parties to dance away to... no more long lasting arguments sitting in some1s rooming over nothing at all... the last dawn at helL marked the end of the 2 golden years of my life

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