Saturday, January 20, 2007


Operations Interest Group is a special interest group of IIM Lucknow for the field of operations management. its a student committee consisting of 10 students.... i think this is how the intro usually goes... but today its no more the time for intros... it is time to say good bye...

OIG as it is referred to had been close to my heart right from the time i joined it... it was great working for it... it was nice to hear it being discussed... it was awesome connducting events for it...

OIG defined my passion, ego, enthu, interests and what not... we might not have covered gr8 distances but the distances covered were definitely considerable and worth mentioning... (but of course, there were lotsa milestones tht are yet to be achieved...

the words Opsession, Ozone, Trilogy, etc are gonna stick around for quite some time now...

this senti talk can go on for ever... so lemme put a stop here and convey my best wishes to anand, charan, gagan, hemant and nitya... u ppl rock and keep the enthu levels up as always...


befuddled said...

AWWWW... Adi u do realise we gonna take ur case like crazy after so much senti, dont u? :D

Anonymous said...

dont dare take our case..v might sponsor Ozone next time :P

aditya kavi raaj chennuru said...

congrats guys... i can already see manfest 2008... ozone sponsered by bristlecone... now u know who to catch for all the sponsership